Dr. Rotchford — Consultant & Speaker
Consulting Services
Dr. Rotchford is available as an experienced consultant in integrated addiction treatment. Substance use disorders commonly involve other treatable conditions that commonly compromise outcomes.
How best to assure comprehensive and collaborative care is provided to those with substance use disorders? This is a most important question to address if cost-effective long term treatment plans are to work.
Dr. Rotchford has unusual expertise managing substance use disorders on the “front lines.” While inpatient/residential settings have established benefits and can help to “get the ball rolling,” the best outcomes will be obtained when substance use disorders are managed similar to other chronic and relapsing medical conditions.
As with care of diabetics, long term medical and behavioral support is essential for promoting the best of outcomes. Diabetic outcomes suffer when infections, heart disease, obesity, etc. are not addressed.
Similarly, if pain management, sleep, anxiety and mood disorders, as well as other medical and behavioral conditions are not attended to, outcomes with substance use disorders will suffer.
Dr. Rotchford is passionate about promoting comprehensive and collaborative care for those with substance use disorders. The challenges are significant based on cultural, third party, and regulatory concerns in addition to the complexities of clinical management.
He is available to help focus on potential solutions to the myriad of barriers to cost-effective management of substance use disorders. As a Fellow of American College of Preventive Medicine he also has a keen interest and expertise in prevention.
Speaking Engagements
Engage Dr. Rotchford for expertly speaking on a number of medical and health-related topics.
One time or multiple presentations are possible. An example of a 4-part presentation is:
Addiction as a Chronic Brain Disease
Different Strokes for Different Folks
Winning Combinations!
System Approach!
Invite J. Kimber Rotchford, MD to speak to your organization, community, or clinic about the effective management of substance use disorders. He has special expertise in the context of co-occurring disorders such as chronic pain, anxiety and mood disorders, PTSD, etc.
In addition to using well established and proven effective interventions, he has been a leader in innovative clinical approaches including ketamine and medical acupuncture, and in assuring that patients get the best of individualized care.
Expert Witness
With his acknowledged expertise both in clinical and research matters, he provides for credible authority as an expert witness.
Examples of some of his experience as an expert witness both for defense and the prosecution: